Emma Assin

I'm never happier than when I'm prototyping. Be it rough paper testing, experience click-throughs, user journeys or a more sophisticated built-out project. It's the best.

Showcasing four prototypes made for potential educational music experiences
00:00 - Live Action Band Manipulation
01:21 - Magic Keyboard with “Moods”
02:50 - Adjustable Xylophone
04:05 - Melody Visualization Tiles
A selection of prototypes designed to communicate ideas and test out concepts. All featuring the lovable Noggins.
00:00 - Educational Dungeon Crawler (any skills can be plugged in)
01:42 - Comprehension Activity (suggested edits to an existing game)
02:42 - Gesture Controlled Dance Concept
03:16 - Perseverance Activity (developed as part of a Grit workshop with Noggin’s learning team)


A selection of prototypes which I made to explore various ideas for voice-controlled interactives.
00:00 - Walkie Talkie Hide & Seek (Exploring user input to control when the device is listening)
01:05 - What’s This? (Name the fruit)
01:50 - Frog Race (The following are Spanish language games requiring a single repeated word for reinforcement and practice)
02:20 - Turning Red
03:30 - Water the Plant
04:12 - Catch the Cats
04:58 - What Blue Thing Am I?
05:35 - What Dog Am I?
A game concept for positional word which I prototyped, inspired by sideshow games at a funfair.

View Master
View Master demonstrating how an interaction can be good and juicy!